"Your talk is about how you used Ruby to build Locaweb's Cloud offerings, many still think that Ruby is only good for web applications and they don't know how much it's used in the infrastructure as well, can you explain what some of the requirements are to understand what you're going to talk about?"
PotHix: This talk will show how we used Ruby and Rails to build an app to deal with hypervisors, firewalls, dhcp and some other network tasks. You don't need any advanced knowledge in Ruby. Some knowledge about Rails or networking in general will help you benefit more from the talk but it would be great to have an intermediate knowledge of Ruby and the basics of networking.
"Many developers would love to become as experienced and fluent in Ruby as you are. What have been some of the pitfalls you had to overcome in order to become a great developer? Any good tips for a Ruby beginner?"
PotHix: Something that helped me a lot when learning Ruby was being in touch with good Ruby developers, attend to local user groups (Guru-SP in this case) and attend to online free courses (like rubylearning.org). Learn new languages and try different programming situations and exercises also helps a lot to understand the ways we can choose to solve a problem.
"There are so many new technologies, best practices and so on being released all the time. In your personal opinion, and maybe related to your current field of work, what are some of the trends in technology that you think we should be paying attention for the near future?"
PotHix: I'm not using it directly but I believe in Docker potential to build and manage different environments. I think we'll have a lot of interesting softwares build on to of it and flynn.io looks a good example.