[Objective-C] Distributing your Static Library

2011 April 24, 00:46 h

If you didn’t read my last two article I recommend you do so before going any further because I am using the same pet project, ObjC Rubyfication as an example for this article. The point is: you are writing reusable code that you want in more than one project.

Most of this was based on Cocoanetics article about universal static libraries. So, if you’ve payed attention to my previous article, you saw this screenshot:

I said that I only had these targets configured: CocoaOniguruma, Kiwi, Rubyfication and RubyficationTests. But there are 3 others: CocoaOniguruma SIM, Rubyfication SIM, and Build & Merge Libraries. The reason is simple:

Concepts and History

Some explanation is in order. When you’re developing iOS applications, you can test it directly in your iPhone device or within the Simulator. Now, Apple was very clever: any other vendor in the market will try to first create an ARM processor emulator to run on top of your i386 processor. Then it will get all the binaries for ARM and run within this emulator. The OS itself will remain compiled for ARM processors and run within the emulator.

Now, this is dead slow, impractical. Anyone that experimented an emulation environment like this knows how ridiculous it is. Don’t confuse it for VMWare or Parallels solutions, which are fast because they are an emulated environment for the same processor, so you can run Windows on top of your Mac because the processors and operating systems now support VT-x, which means you mostly don’t have to emulate the processor. Now, every smartphone and tablet on the market uses an ARM processor, which has nothing to do with i386.

So, how did Apple delivered a super-fast iPhone/iPad emulator that runs at real-time speed on your Mac? Simple, it didn’t. It is called “Simulator” and not “Emulator” for a reason: everything that runs within the Simulator is compiled for i386, not for ARM. So what you’re running is an actual binary that runs natively over your Mac! No emulation required. The iOS is very portable. The same way Mac OS X was able to transition from the Power PC to Intel back in 2005, the iOS can do the same trick as they are basically the very same operating system.

When you choose the iPhone scheme in XCode, it compiles for ARM and uploads the bits to your iPhone device to run the application. When you choose the Simulator scheme in XCode, it compiles for i386, upload the bits in your Simulator and runs natively as any other application in your Mac.

Now, going back to the main issue: when I distribute a binary of my Static Library, I have to remember that the developer will be linking against my library to deploy for both the ARM device (iPhone/iPad) and the Simulator (i386). So I would have to deliver at least 2 binary files. But Apple is even smarter than that. Actually, NeXT was. When they first transitioned the NeXTStep operating system from Motorola to Intel processors back in the late 80’s, they created Fat Binaries, which is essentially one binary that contains both processor-specific bits in one single package. When Apple transitione from the Power PC to Intel they renamed it to Universal Binaries. And that’s essentially what we need to build now.


We now understand what a Universal Binary is. To make it easier, I right-clicked over the “Rubyfication” and “CocoaOniguruma” targets and duplicated them. They will be created as “Rubyfication copy” and “CocoaOniguruma copy”. We can change the “Product Name” in the build settings of each for a more reasonable name:

In my case I renamed them to “RubyficationSimulator” and “CocoaOnigurumaSimulator”. That will give me both “libRubyficationSimulator.a” and “libCocoaOnigurumaSimulator.a”. As you can see in the Products group:

Important: remember that the Rubyfication target had CocoaOniguruma as a target dependency. You will need to change the “Rubyfication SIM” target to point to the new “CocoaOniguruma SIM” target! The other thing is that you will need to force both new targets to compile to “Latest Mac OS X” in the “Base SDK option in the Build Settings of each, and “32-bit Intel” in the “Architectures” build option. This will make them compile for i386 processors. The original targets should have their “Base SDK to “Latest iOS” and “Architectures” to “Standard (armv6 armv7)”.

Now, we need to create a new target of the kind “Aggregate” :

I named it “Build & Merge Libraries”. In the “Build Phases” tab you will start with just the “Target Dependencies” phase. You just need to add the new “Rubyfication SIM” and “CocoaOniguruma SIM” targets. Then you need to add 3 more phases, one for “Run Script”, another to “Copy Files” and a last “Run Script”.

In the “Copy Files” phase I have just added all the public headers that I want to distribute together with the universal binary library. This is because the other developers will need to add those header files into their projects in order to be able to compile against my library. Now notice that I am copying them to an “Absolute Path” that states ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Rubyfication.

That’s where we come to the previous “Run Script” phase that should have the following code:

# make a new output folder
mkdir -p ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Rubyfication

# combine lib files for various platforms into one
lipo -create "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Debug-iphoneos/libRubyfication.a" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Debug-iphonesimulator/libRubyfication.a" -output "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Rubyfication/libRubyfication-${BUILD_STYLE}.a"

The first thing it does it create this new “Rubyfication” directory. The second command uses the lipo command that merges 2 processor-dependent binaries into a universal binary. Pay attention to the PATHs if you’re reusing this script somewhere else. At least with XCode 4 that’s where it creates the binaries of each target:

Finally, the last “Run Script”, after the “Copy Files” phase described above, requires the following script:

ditto -c -k --keepParent "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Rubyfication" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/../Rubyfication.zip"

It just creates a ZIP file with the universal binary library and its companion public header files. Any other developer can get this zip file, unzip it and add the files to their own projects now. If you want to find where this ZIP file is, the easiest way is to go to the project viewer (the left side pane) in XCode, open the “Products” group, right-click over the “libRubyfication.a” file (or any other resulting file) and choose “Show in Finder”. Then you can navigate one folder up in the hierarchy (to the “Products” folder) and you will see something like this:

And there you go: there’s your ZIP file with your brand new redistributable universal binary!

Using the Universal Binary

In order to demonstrate how to use this distributable ZIP file. I have created a very simple, bare-bone iOS project called ObjC_OnigurumaDemo that you can download from Github and run in your own iOS device.

As you can see in the screenshot below, I just unzipped the ZIP within a “Dependencies” folder in my iOS project and added the universal binary “libRubyfication-Debug.a” within the Library Linking Build Phase:

This allows me to just use anything from this library in my project, in particular a piece of code that uses the Oniguruma regular expressions:

- (IBAction)runRegex:(id)sender {
    OnigRegexp* regex = [OnigRegexp compile:[regexPattern text]];
    OnigResult* res = [regex match:[initialText text]];
    NSMutableString* tmpResult = [NSMutableString stringWithString:@""];
    for(int i = 0; i < [res count]; i++) {
        [tmpResult appendString:@"("];
        [tmpResult appendString:[res stringAt:i]];
        [tmpResult appendString:@")"];
    [result setText:tmpResult];

This demonstration application has a text-field called “initialText”, where you can type any string. Then you can prepare a Regular Expression in the “regexPattern” text-field and when you hit the “Run” button, it will trigget the action above that will run the Regular Expression againt the initial text and write the matches within parenthesis in the “result” text view. The applications looks like this:

And, voilá! Ruby 1.9-like Regular Expression, directly from Oniguruma, within an iOS Application!

tags: learning beginner apple objective-c english


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