RailsConf 09 - Message from Peter Cooper to Ruby Inside Brazil

2009 May 08, 04:11 h

Maybe not everybody knows it but the well known Ruby Inside website now has a new branch in Brazil. It was recently released and we have a bunch of highly motivated Railers that are doing a great work posting everything that is news in the Ruby and Rails world both in Brazil and in other countries. Check it out Peter Cooper’s take on this:

Talvez nem todos saibam, but o bem conhecido site Ruby Inside agora tem uma nova filial no Brasil. Eles iniciaram recentemente e tem uma equipe de Railers muito motivados que estão fazendo um grande trabalho publicando notícias do mundo Ruby e Rails tanto do Brasil quanto de outros países. Dêem uma olhada na opinião do Peter Cooper sobre isso.

tags: railsconf2009 interview english


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